Merchant Services
Why Elavon?
Apart from very competitive rates to save you money, your Elavon merchant services include Merchant Online reporting, an online transaction tracking service that no other UK banking acquirer provides. The iMerchantconnect is Elavon’s free online reporting and statement tool, allows you to securely monitor your account from any Web browser at any time of the day. With iMerchantConnect, you can display recent deposits, view standard transaction, batch and unpaid statement reports, and request more robust reporting such as chargeback and retrieval requests to enhance your operational efficiency.
For a detailed look at this powerful merchant tool, go to
and click on “demo”.
Elavon acquiring service includes Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC). This long winded acronym will give you lower rates for taking payments from your foreign customers. Better service for your customer and you save costs. Talk to us about how much you could save.